In this case Mr. DiFranco’s client was a passenger in a car which began being chased by an unmarked Evanston police department vehicle. In an effort to escape the unmarked vehicle, the driver of the pursued vehicle crashed his car causing multiple injuries to Mr. DiFranco’s client, including a fractured jaw, fractured vertebrae, a collapsed lung, and permanent brain injuries. The brain injuries resulted in cognitive deficits, lapses of memory, and lack of thought organization. Despite the City of Evanston’s denial of willful and wanton conduct and denial of violating the police general order regarding police pursuits, Mr. DiFranco succeeded in winning an 11.2 million dollar verdict for his client.
DiFranco & Associates, P. C.
Attorneys at Law
617 E. Devon Avenue
Park Ridge, IL 60068
866 – D I A L – L A W
847.825.7744 P
847.825.7746 F